Friday, July 27, 2007

Grandkids Adventure Part 3

This little lamby went everywhere this summer!

Now for a boat ride on the Missouri River in Montana.This was our boat.
These are ancient indian drawings.
Ralph settles in for the ride. This green plant is related to the rose and blooms once every ten years or so.
Nana and Haven.
Jade has a short summer romance.

This museum is in the book, "1000 places to see before you die"

These bone are big!
Haven watches the archiologist work.

Dress up time at the museum!
Bear hug?
This was a traveling exibit.
Coral says hi to the bison.
Jade checks out the bones.

Dance like an Egyptian.
Nap time.
Someone call for King Tut?

This won't hurt a bit. Jades ready to become a mummy!

Jade charms a snake!

The horse was made with link chain.
I think Ralph built this house in the 1800's

We check out the wagon ride.

Off we go!
How 'bout these cuties!
Jade looking for her moose....was it chocolate mousse! Here we go!
Not snow!

The girls smell the's feet?
Haven poses at the lookout point.
This is the parks newest ranger.
The girls try to stop this floating marble globe at the visitor center.
Coral caught this bison taking a dirt bath.
The girls cool off in a creek.
Off we go to explore.The crew and a waterfall.
Jade thought this was cool.

This waterfall was worth the hike.
Haven liked this horse. She saw a bear and cub on this ride.
Jade is riding the fence in this one.
Heart to heart talk.
The girls pumped for 30 minutes before we realized that it was pressurized.
Haven poses by a waterfall in Yellowstone.

Jade liked the bear cubs.
Haven steaming.
Haven & Great Grandpa bond.

Look papa...a hot tub!
Off we go to the Grizzly Discovery Center.
The girls ride a carved bear.
How 'bout this bear!
Two little indians...

The girls check out a bear.

We take a ride around Yellowstone!

Haven wants to get in the hot pot but the water is 300 degrees!

Here we are at camp.

Too hot!

Jade is wired up now!
Haven ate a hot marshmello.

The girls enjoy a creek in Yellowstone.

This was near our campground.


We rode this stage coach around Jackson Hole while Coral shoped.

The girls wrestled this bison and won!

The girls pose at the entrance to the National Wildlife Art Musium.
Jade liked this statue.

Bear or monkey?

Ok....this is a monkey.

Heres a look a Red Canyon on the way to Bryce Canyon.

This view is so good... I can't stand it!
This was a nice museum on the way to the park.

The girls have a little dissagreement with the display?
Haven wanted her dad to see this.
Jade points out a bear.
Whats that smell?
Looks like a wild indian!
Jade hikes to see a waterfall.
The views were great at Bryce Canyon.
Jade found Santa on vacation!

Jade gives her best smile.

Heres a look at the rock formations from the valley floor.

Mossy Cave is where we found the waterfall.

The pictures below prove that good looks are hereditary.

Haven makes her own water slide.
The girls enjoy the falls.
This was fun!
Jade pulls Sponge Bob's tongue at CircusCircus Las Vegas.
The girls played their hearts out!
Haven thought this was a cool RV?

Haven helps Jade with a new hairdo....mohawk?

Ride um girls.
Another summer romance?
Jade was brave and went by herself.
Haven and Jade thought 3-d was cool!
The Shark Reef in the Mandalay Casino was neat.
Haven swims with the sharks.
Heres a look at out Las Vegas Campground....roughing it.
After 7 states in a month and a half the kids are ready to head home.