Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Goodbye South Dakota

Coral took this picture outside our motor home. This woodpecker was one of many wildlife visitors near our campsite.
Coral poses by the completed fort/town project on our last day in South Dakota.
Coral points out the corrected spelling on the sign. It read "and" instead of "an".
Ralph and I made this Tepe for the kids.
The WeLikIt gang.
Paul and Sandra LeClair, Fort WeLikIt Family Campground owners
Ralph and I on lookout duty.
Ralph and Coral swinging it.

Ralph hams it up in the old town.

How 'bout these fine Workampers!

Coral made these signs for the old town project.
Here is a look at the fort that Ralph and I built.
Last look at our campsite.

Turkey came to send us off.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

California Bound

Here we are...Yellowstone National Park!
Hail on the way into Yellowstone....lucky me.
Here's Old Faithfull.......a geyser too.
Old Faithfull is over rated. It blows at different times, not every hour.
Ralph and I brave the elements to explore this uncharted territory.
The colors in these pools were amazing.
It's cold by these hot springs.
At 200 degrees F this waters is so acidic that it would destroy a leather boot.
Coral hits the decks.
The water from the geysers flowing into the Snake River.
More hail on the way out of Yellowstone.
Here's a look at the Tetons on our way back to Jackson Hole.
Ralph and Coral discover Big Foot!
Coral kisses her real true love in Jackson Hole.
Close up look at the Jackson Hole sign on moose antlers.
Buffa-Hole? Don't ask.....Don't tell!
This was our favorite place to eat in Jackson Hole.........We ate like pigs.
Coral & Ralph check out the bear sculpture.
Ralph check out the plumbing on this sculpture.
Another Elk Antler Arch. There are four in this park.

Off to Teton Village for a ride to the top. Ralph getting on the car to ride to the top. They were putting 45 people per car and we were packed like sardines. During ski season they put 100 per car!
Up we go to the top of Look-out Point.
Fear of heights? My knees are knocking together.
It's cold up here. Wind gusts to 50 MPH.
This look at 5000 ft was spectacular.
A fellow wearing a leg brace said he shattered his leg on the ski run near the center. Ralph wants to ski here. We said that he could fly in....ski...then we would send an ambulance!
How 'bout this view.....mountains aren't bad either!

Here comes our ride down.
Moose sighting!
This moose was right outside the window!
How 'bout these fine Bison. The one in front is particularly handsome.
After spending the night in a rest stop in Idaho we finally arrive in La Pine Oregon.
These bears were carved in a stump at our campground.
Off to the observatory near our campground.
Coral checks out a solar flare.
Ralph checks out a sun spot.
This is a real meteorite. The outer shell was melted on entry!
The walkway showed the maximum distance each creature can jump.
The human jump mark was out to the tree shadow.
Ralph almost makes the world record!
Off we go to explore a lava tube!
They gave us this lantern and said....Go explore. The cave had no lights and few stairways.
In we go....Come on Ralph we have lava tubing to do!
Down we go into the lava tube.
It's dark in here.
You can see here where the lava flowed through the tube on the walls.
Looks like ghosts down here!

On to Lava Lands.
Here we get to explore the volcano that created the lava tube.
We are taking a road to the top.
OK Ralph, I'll hold the sign so you can check it out.
The crater is 500 ft deep.
You can still see where the lava flowed 8,000 years ago.
Coral at the top of the volcano.
Coral feeds a chipmunk.Luckily chipmunks can't read.
On to the falls!
Here is where we cross the river!

OK.....we took the bridge.
Glad we decided to hike instead of row!

The falls were nice. We are heading for California later this week. We are having fun along the way. On another note, Mari Jo called to let me know that she is "expecting"! I am looking forward to having another grandchild next May!!!!