Here at CRA Chicago, I decided to work a little to catch up our finances after spending the summer with the grandkids.

Ralph poses by a suit like the one he used to wear as a Navy Diver.

The Brookfield Zoo was nice.

Ralph and I pose by a fountain in the center of the zoo.

This zoo has a dolphin show!

Ralph jumps a frog.

Coral poses by Bison.

There was a Chain Saw Carving Contest going on. These guys have only 3 days to complete their projects.

Big Foot taking shape.

Big Foot completed! It got 7th place.

Coral voted for this guy to win.

The details were amazing. "Spirit of the North" got 2nd.

This one is called "The Waiting Game" It got 6th but won the "Peoples Choice" award.

This Guy won 1st place for "All Creatures Great and Small".

This bench was difficult.

The zoo will make good use of this bench. It got 7th place.

"Learning to Climb" got 4th place.

I liked the bison carving. Coral thought the bison looked wierd.

"The Great Gift" got 3rd.

"Just Out of Reach" got 5th.